Tuesday 23 April 2013

WesterNoir 3, cover image is all sorted.

Well, as promised WesterNoir #3 is the Mermaid issue.
Once again Gary Crutchley has worked his magic on the cover (and pulled the script in all sorts of interesting directions), Andy Bloor has continued with his great design and Matt Soffe has worked wonders on the colouring.

How good does that look...
Gary is well into the book now with all the inking done, he's applying the grey tones and lettering. All coming together really well.
And then it'll be onto book 4, last in the mini-series, I'll say nothing more on that... for now.


  1. I'm really looking forward to this Dave, the last two were so good. When might this be available for buying? Take it easy Aaron.

  2. Hi Aaron, Sorry, just found this comment. Book 3 is out now .. it can be purchased through the Accent UK website, or we'll be at Thought Bubble in Nov and Glasgow in Sept ..
